Unauthorized Login - Or Downloading Limit Reached

1. You are seeing this page most-likely because of Too Many Failed Logins Attempts / Password Sharing. Sometimes people may try to hack your username/password to try to login with your membership. You may ask us to remove this limit for you by sending us a support ticket at BluMediaSupport. If this continues to happen or you have a username that is easy for anyone to guess please let us know you would like to update your username and password, we recommend a mix of letters and numbers for both your username and password. Mention: Username Block in your ticket.

2. You could also be seeing this page because you have reached the daily download limit across our websites, we only allow so many videos to be downloaded within a certain time frame, you can wait 24 hours until the lift is released or if this is your first time contact us at BluMediaSupport and let us know you are seeing this page and we will lift the temp block. Mention: Bandwidth Block & your username

3. You could also be seeing this page to do ANY of the following reasons:

A. Your Membership has Expired
B. Mis-typed username or password. Remember: They are CAsE SEnSItiVE! ;-)
C. Too many failed attempts to login.
D. Password sharing your login on too many computers at the same time.

You can try to login to the same site again by entering it into your browser after a certain amount of time.
If you are still having problems, please contact us at:

Customer Service Page

IMPORTANT: please make sure to include the site and your username please. Mention: Username Block & your username